Now that you have a sense that you need help with your marketing, what are your options going forward? (Step one: figure out what the problem is – which you may need some assistance with!) Then you could:
Keep trying to do it yourself – seems like a solution but definitely not the best option in the long-term!
Hire someone full time – can you manage the expense of an additional staff member and can you afford to hire someone with enough experience to meet all of your needs?
Professional development – either for yourself or your loan marketing person. Still doesn’t address your capacity and will the investment in your staff person pay off for you and them?
Hire additional staff – can you afford to hire the right people? How do you know who to hire with what skill set?
Hire a consultant – obviously my bias. Gives you the ability to bring a person in with senior-level experience who can provide you with insights on your next steps. A variable cost so you decide how often and for how many hours you bring them in. For example, they could even assist you with developing a marketing plan, hiring the right person for your business, walking them through the strategy and providing mentoring support.
So now that you’re pondering your options, what might be the reasons for hiring a consultant?